Friday, January 2, 2015

The Trevor Project and Our Most Sincere Thanks!

Sometimes the most fulfilling experiences are born out of spur-of-the-moment ideas. The Hot Reads for The Trevor Project was just one of those ideas.
A group of indie authors got together, at the eleventh hour, and decided to do something which expressed our appreciation to our readers for the holidays, while also doing something which embodied the essence of the holidays: the spirit of giving. Hot Reads for The Trevor Project was born.
In less than 24 hours the details were hammered out; additional indie authors were contacted to join in, a charity was selected, books were collected, an online store was created, digital art was developed, and bloggers were solicited to aid in promotion. Again, all this took place in less than 24 hours.
We, the six indie authors, had no expectations regarding the number of sales. However, the package went up for sale, and you showed up; you purchased the bundle AND, in doing so, supported an awesome charity. For that, we are extraordinarily grateful.
The success has cemented our decision to make this an annual event. In fact, we are already kicking around ideas for improvement. Some of which include: a selection of smaller bundles, genre specific bundles (BDSM, Fantasy, Sci-fi, Contemporary, etc.), and work by a greater number of indie authors.
Again, none of this could have been done without the amazing support of you, the m/m readers. You guys are nothing short of wonderful and you have our most heartfelt thanks.
Last, but certainly not least, we’d like to express our sincere gratitude to the blogging community* (listed below**). We approached you at the busiest time of the year—at the last moment—and your support was unwavering and instantaneous.

Our warmest regards and best wishes for a happy new year, 

* Alphabetically Listed
** We made every attempt to record all supporting bloggers and websites. However, we have likely overlooked a few. Our most sincere apologies if you are not listed.

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